Fix-A-Brick profit sale


commonly known as assisted sale:

lets use this as an example, 

your house is out of date or has problems which has decreased its value,  the estate agent suggests its worth 150k in its current state.  but if it was up to date nicely renovated then it could achieve 250k.

the problem is its gonna cost 40k to fix right?

well we can help,  we can invest this money to fix the property for you,  once its ready it will go back on the market at the new value of 250k.

then once sale has completed we get our 40k investment back plus 50% of the extra increase we have added. theroretically meaning weve made 30k for ourselfs.

and we have also made you the home-owner an extra 30k.  you know get 180k instead of the 150k the agent first suggested.


im sure this is a beneficial service to many people out there, if so please do get in contact to see how we can help.
